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Beara - 8 dagen

Beara Way, trektocht langs B&B's

zwaarte level 3
“The Beara Way” omcirkelt het meest westelijke schiereiland van het graafschap Cork. U trekt van het kustplaatsje Glengariff, via de oude vissershaven van Castletownbere, naar het levendige stadje Kenmare. De wandelingen zijn afwisselend. Deels loopt u door een open berglandschap met weidse vergezichten waarbij u van tijd tot tijd een glimp opvangt van Bantry Bay en Kenmare Bay. Tijdens de rest van de tocht trekt u langs de kust, over oude weggetjes en green roads. Onder invloed van zon en wolken lijkt de zee hier steeds opnieuw van kleur te verschieten. Onderweg passeert u prehistorische steencirkels en ringforten. U overnacht in goede accommodaties in traditionele dorpjes. Day 1 – Arrival to Glengarriff Travel to Glengarriff situated on beautiful Bantry Bay. “Glengarriff” means the “rugged glen”, and is now a wooded and attractive valley. You may wish to visit Garinish Island, a planted sub-tropical garden about 10 minutes off the coast by ferry, famous for its Italian Garden and ancient sun temple. Overnight accommodation in Glengarriff village. Day 2 – Glengarriff to Adrigole Walk through the Glengarriff woods and Glenlough Mountains, following old tracks alongside Coomarkane River, climbing the flank of the Sugarloaf, skirting mountain lakes to descend from Mass Mount and the Holy Well. Tonight’s evening meal will be in your guesthouse. Distance 16km. Ascents 510m. Approximate walking time 5 hours. Overnight accommodation near Adrigole. Dinner tonight is in your guesthouse. Day 3 – Adrigole to Castletownbere Wonderful views over Bantry Bay and a series of pre-historic sites close to the route. A series of bog roads, farm tracks and minor roads are linked today to cross the rugged slopes of Hungry Hill. Castletownbere, nestled in the lee of Bere Haven Harbour and sheltered by Bere Island, is the principal town of the peninsula and the largest whitefish port in Ireland. It offers a full range of services. Distance 22km. Ascents 550m. Approximate walking time 6 hours. Overnight accommodation in Castletownbere town. Day 4 – Free Day in Castletownbere Visit Bere Island with a resident community of 210 people. Walk through open sheep farming country, visiting Ardnakinna Lighthouse and a Martello Tower. Or on the mainland, visit Dunboy Castle home to O’Sullivan clan who ruled the area for three centuries. Puxley mansion was a 19th century family home of the Puxley’s, who mined copper in the area. Bicycles are for hire in Castletownbere for more exploration. Distance 8km or 24km. Ascents 250m. Approximate walking time 6 hours. Overnight accommodation in Castletownebere town. Day 5 – Castletownebere to Eyeries Through the Slieve Miskish Mountains and via the coast at Coulagh Bay. The area is rich in megalithic remains, stone rows, forts, tombs indicating its importance in the Bronze Age period, 1200-700BC, and a stone circle at Derreentaggart. The Way crosses open hill terrain under the peak of Knockgour at 481m, with views to Allihies and Ballydonegan Bay. Eyeries nestles between mountains and sea. Distance 21km. Ascents 260m. Approximate walking time 6 hours. Overnight accommodation in Eyeries village. Day 6 –Eyeries to Lauragh Climb the slopes of Gortbrack hill over the stunning Cleanderry Harbour to the pretty village of Ardgroom. Under the striated glaciated face of Tooreenamna and Coomacloghane there are no less than ten prehistoric monuments. The Owenashagh River meets Killmackillogue Harbour at Lauragh – a glorious sub tropical setting of rhododendron and Scot’s Pine. Dereen House & Gardens are well worth a visit. Distance 22km. Ascents 300m. Approximate walking time 6 hours. Overnight accommodation in Lauragh townland. Day 7 – Lauragh to Kenmare A minor road climbs to a saddle at 150m between the hills of Knockatee and Knockanoughanish, before climbing higher through open hillside. Superb views of the Cloonee Lakes descending to Lough Inchiquin and a stone circle from the Neolithic era 3500 – 2000 B.C. Descend into Kenmare town, an interesting market town founded in 1670, on the banks of the Roughty River. Distance 24km. Ascents 470m. Approximate walking time 6 hours. Overnight accommodation in Kenmare town. Day 8 – Departure from Kenmare Scheduled bus services from Kenmare to Killarney or Cork for onward connections.
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